2024 Grant Applications are now OPEN.  Close 5pm Friday 23 August 2024

Peter Malone Community Grants Scheme

Network Tasman Trust established Network Tasman Charitable Trust (the charitable trust) as a vehicle for providing a range of grants and scholarships to individuals, groups and organisations within its distribution area.

The Community Grants scheme was named the Peter Malone Community Grants Scheme in recognition of his service to the community. Peter was chair of Network Tasman Trust from 1995 to 2005, a Nelson City councillor from 1974 to 1980, and Mayor of Nelson City from 1980 to 1992.

Each year the charitable trust allocates approximately $250,000 by way of grants and scholarships to acknowledge the contributions to the growth of the company from past and present users to support them to make a difference to our communities and the people in them.

Funding generally falls into five main categories:

  • Art and Culture
  • Education
  • Environmental and Energy-saving
  • Social support services
  • Sport and recreation

Availability of grants will be advertised in July/August each year and applications for grants will close on the last Friday in August. Funding decisions are made in October. Small emergency grants will only be made in exceptional circumstances.

Peter Malone Nelson Mayor
Mayor Peter Malone and Elma Turner at the opening of the new library in 1990. Photo by: R. Venner via The Prow

Criteria and Eligibility

Applicants or their service users/members must be within our distribution area.

We primarily support projects that are able to be completed or undertaken within one year of receipt of funding and that have co-funding from other sources such as grants, cash, loans, anticipated income and in-kind contributions.

Grants are unlikely to be allocated to organisations which have already incurred financial deficits or are budgeting a deficit budget for projects and cannot be used to fund debt repayments or for retrospective funding of a project.

Generally, grants will not be available for wages or operating costs or to any one organisation for more than three consecutive years, however consideration will be given to funding the cost of providing specialist services, training and professional development.

Successful applicants must complete a Grant Accountability Form. Applicants that fail to complete a grant accountability form within 12 months will be ineligible for further funding until outstanding forms are completed.

The maximum grant for organisations is generally $3000.

Grants to individuals are allowed for representing New Zealand overseas (the maximum grant is $1,000) and for exceptional circumstances, especially when other assistance is not available. Such grants are unable to be substantial and applicants need to be aware of this before applying.