Golden Bay High dux has her sights set on medicine

  • 17 November 2017

See original article, via stuff

Venus Cahusac de Caux
Young scientist Venus Cahusac de Caux is this years' dux of Golden Bay High School.

The Golden Bay High School dux has her sights set firmly on medicine.

With an array of honours awards for excellence in physics, biology, calculus and chemistry, Venus Cahusac de Caux took home this years' top award plus many others.

The young scientist is heading to Otago University next year and has enrolled in first year Health Science, before making the big move into the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery.

"I want to be some sort of doctor," she said. 

"I'm just not sure what kind yet, but I'm interested in radiation medicine, vascular surgery and brain neurosurgery."

The 18 year-old said she knew she had a lot of time to decide, and just wanted to "find her way through" as she goes.

"I was 14 when I thought I would be a doctor," she said. 

"I like the sciences, and being a doctor is a good mix between the sciences and interpersonal relationships, so you are still involved in the community, and not just locked away in a lab."

She said she liked the idea that being a doctor could take her anywhere in the world.

"There's always a need for health care, and you can influence people's lives very positively by doing it. You can help all sorts of people – underprivileged people, or children."

At the recent Golden Bay High School senior closing ceremony, Cahusac de Caux took home the trophy for excellence in chemistry, the Network Tasman Award, the Returned Services Association scholarship, the Moonridge Charitable Trust scholarship and the McKee Charitable Trust scholarship. 

She said she hjad decided to spend all her scholarship money on the first year at the residential Haywood College at the university.

Cahusac de Caux grew up between Wainui and Pohara, and said that when she was not studying, she was gardening, cooking or enjoying the outdoors.

"I grew up in the bush. It's made me more resilient in a lot of ways. I always find a bush walk will clear my mind."

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